باب الأسباط هو إحدى
أبواب المسجد الأقصى المفتوحة ويسمى أيضا باب الأًسود نسبة
للأسدين المنحوتين على جانبي الباب،
ويقع في الزاوية الشمالية الشرقية للمسجد الأقصى، ويعود تاريخ
تجديد بنائه إلى الفترة الأيوبية، كما تم تجديد الباب في
الفترة المملوكية في 1367م.
والواجهة الجنوبية لهذا الباب هي مدخل بارتفاع 4 أمتار تقريباً
وفتحة مستطيلة بعقد مدبب، وفي زاوية المدخل توجد دركاة مربعة
الشكل تعد جزءاً من الرواق الشمالي، وللباب دفتان من الخشب
يبدو أنهما حديثتا العهد، ويوجد في أحد الدفتين خوخة (مدخل
صغير) تسمح بدخول شخص واحد فقط، ويعد مدخل الدركاة أحد أقواس
الرواق الشمالي الضخمة المدببة. أما الواجهة الشمالية للباب
فهي فتحة مستطيلة لقوس مدبب عرضه 2 متر تقريباً وارتفاعه 4
أمتار كما أن المدخل مسقوف بقنطرة مدببة عرضها حوالي 1 متر.
The Tribes Gate is one of the open gates of Al-Aqsa Masjed.
It is also called the Lions Gate, in relation to the two
lions carved on both sides of the gate. It is located in the
northeastern corner of Al-Aqsa Masjed. The date of its
renovation dates back to the Ayyubid period. The gate was
also renovated during the Mamluk period in 1367 AD. It is
believed that the
Tribes Gate was first built in 610 AH/1213 AD.
the renovation of the present gate dates to 945 AH/1538 AD
during the reign of Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.
The gate was later restored in 1232 AH/1816 AD.
The southern façade of this gate is an entrance with a
height of about 4 meters and a rectangular opening with a
pointed arch. In the corner of the entrance, there is a
square-shaped vestibule that is part of the northern aisle.
The gate has two shutters made of wood that appear to be
recent, and in one of the shutters there is a wicket (small
entrance) that allows only one person to enter. The entrance
to the vestibule is one of the huge pointed arches of the
northern aisle. As for the northern façade of the gate, it
is a rectangular opening with a pointed arch, which is about
2 meters wide and 4 meters high. The entrance is also roofed
with a pointed arch, which is about 1 meter wide.
Esbât Kapısı, Mescid-i Aksâ'nın açık
kapılarından biridir. Kapının iki tarafına oyularak çizilmiş
iki aslan figüründen dolayı Aslanlı Kapı olarak da
isimlendirilir. Mescid-i Aksâ'nın kuzeydoğu köşesinde
bulunur. Yeniden yapılma tarihi Eyyubîler Dönemine kadar
uzanan kapı, Miladi 1367, Hicri 769 yılında Memlüklüler
Döneminde de yenilenmiştir.
Kapının güney cephesinde yaklaşık 4 metre
yüksekliğinde, sivri kemerli dikdörtgen bir giriş
bulunmaktadır. Girişin köşesinde kuzey revakın bir parçası
olan kare planlı bir sundurma yer alır. Kapının, modern
görünümlü iki ahşap kanadı vardır. İki kanattan birinde
sadece bir kişinin girebileceği bir kapı (küçük bir giriş)
vardır. Sundurma girişi, kuzey revakın sivri kavislerinden
biridir. Kapının kuzey cephesi ise yaklaşık 2 metre
genişliğinde ve 4 metre yüksekliğinde sivri kemerli
dikdörtgen bir açıklık olup, giriş yaklaşık 1 metre
genişliğinde sivri tonozla örtülmüştür. |