ثاني أهم بابين مغلقين في السور الجنوبي للمسجد
الأقصى بعد الباب الثلاثي، يقع على بعد 80 مترا إلى الغرب من
الباب الثلاثي، تحت محراب
الجامع القبلي بالضبط، وهو بذلك يشكل مدخلاً من
القصور الأموية التي كانت قائمة جنوب المسجد الأقصى إلى الجامع
القِبْلي عبر ممر مزدوج يوجد أسفل الجامع كان قديماً ممراً
للأمراء الأمويين، وأصبح الآن مصلى اسمه "الأقصى القديم".
والباب المزدوج مكون من بوابتين، كما يوضح
اسمه، تقودان إلى رواقين. وعناصر بنائه تؤكد أن الأمويين هم من
بنوه، ويرجح أن يكون ذلك في زمن عبد الملك بن مروان، ومن ثمّ
ابنه الوليد، وهو ما يدحض ادعاءات اليهود بشأنه حيث يدّعون أنه
من بناء سليمان أو الملك هيرودس.
والغالب أن الباب المزدوج مغلق بأمر السلطان
الناصر صلاح الدين الأيوبي لحماية المسجد والمدينة من الغزاة.
وجاء إغلاقه بطريقة مميزة حيث بنى صلاح الدين
مدرسة سميت بالزاوية الختنية، نسبة إلى شيخها الختني، داخل
المبنى البارز خارج السور الجنوبي للمسجد الأقصى والمعروف
بالبرج، لتحيط بالباب من الخارج، وأوقفها في عام 587هـ/1191م.
ويدلف إلى هذه المدرسة نزولا بدرجات يقود
إليها مدخل يقع على يمين محراب الجامع القِبْلي، غربي المنبر.
كما يمكن الوصول إليها عبر الباب المزدوج من داخل الأقصى،
وتحديدا من داخل مصلى الأقصى القديم الواقع أسفل الجامع
The second most important of the three closed gates in the
southern wall of Al-Aqsa Masjed after the Triple Gate. It is
located 80 meters to the west of the Triple Gate, exactly
under the niche of the Al-Qibli Masjed. Thus, it constitutes
an entrance from the Umayyad palaces that existed south of
Al-Aqsa Masjed to the Al-Qibli Masjed via a double corridor
located below the Masjed. In the past, it was a passage for
the Umayyad princes, and later was altered to a prayer hall
called "the ancient Aqsa".
The double gate consists of two entrances, as its name
indicates, leading to two aisles. Therefore, the elements of
its construction confirm that the Umayyad has built it, and
it is likely that this was during the time of Abd al-Malik
ibn Marwan, and then his son al-Walid. This attribution
refutes the claims of the Jews that it was built by Solomon
or King Herod.
It is likely that the double door was sealed by the order of
Sultan Al-Nasir Salah Al-Din the Ayyubid to protect the
Masjed and the city of Jerusalem from invaders. The closure
of the gate came in a distinctive way, as Salah al-Din built
a school called the al-Zawiya al-Khatniyyah, after its
Sheikh al-Khatni, inside the prominent building outside the
southern wall of Al-Aqsa Masjed, known as the Tower, to
surround the gate from the outside, and he endowed it in the
year 587 AH / 1191 AD.
The school can be accessed by steps leading down to an
entrance located to the right of the al-Qibli Masjeds
niche, to the west of the pulpit. It enters this madrasah
down by steps leading to an entrance located to the right of
the al-Qibli Masjeds mihrab, to the west of the minbar. It
can also be accessed via the double gate from inside
Al-Aqsa, specifically from inside the Ancient Aqsa Chapel
located below the Al-Qibli Masjed.
Aksâ'nın kapalı kapılarından birisidir. İkiz iki kapıdan
oluşmaktadır. Mescid-i Aksânın güney surlarında yer alan
kapı, minberin tam arkasında olup eğimli koridorlardan
geçerek Kıble Mescidi'nin alt tarafına ulaşılmaktadır.
Sülâsî kapısına 80 metre uzaklıktadır. Çok eski bir kapı
olup tarihi Bizans Dönemine dayanmaktadır. Bu kapıya
verilen isimlerden bazıları şunlardır: Sonsuzluk Kapısı,
Kadim Aksâ Kapısı, Nebî Kapısı.