يقع هذا السبيل شمال شرق
باب الناظر داخل المسجد الأقصى المبارك. ويعود تاريخ تشييده
إلى عام 839هـ - 1436م في عهد السلطان المملوكي الأشرف برسباي،
وقيل إنه أنشئ قبله وأن بناءه تجديد فقط. ويسمى أيضا سبيل
الحبس، وسبيل باب الناظر، وبئر إبراهيم الرومي
This fountain is located northeast of al-Nazir Gate inside
the blessed Al-Aqsa Masjid Its construction dates back to
the year 839 AH - 1436 AD during the reign of the Mamluk
Sultan Al-Ashraf Barsbay. However, it is said that it was
built before his reign and that its construction was only a
renovation. It is also called Sabil Al-Habs (the Prison
Fountain), Sabil Bab Al-Nazir (the Inspector's Gate
Fountain), and the Well of Ibrahim Al-Rumi.