يقوم هذا السبيل بين
المدرسة الأشرفية غربا، والصحن الغربي للصخرة المشرفة شرقا، في
الساحات الغربية للمسجد الأقصى المبارك. ويسمى أيضا سبيل باب
المحكمة، نسبة إلى باب السلسلة الذي يقع بالقرب منه. بني في
عهد السلطان العثماني سليمان القانوني عام 933هـ - 1527م، على
يد والي القدس قاسم باشا، وسمي باسمه. والسبيل مثمن الشكل،
تنزل إليه بدرجات، من فوقه سقف خشبي يحجب أشعة الشمس عن
مستعمليه، ويقلل من ضغط الرياح القارصة ليلا والأمطار النازلة
This fountain is located between the Ashrafiyyah School to
the west, and the western court of the Rock to the east, in
the western courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Masjid. It is
also called the Court Gate's Sabil (Fountain), after the
Silsila (Chain) Gate, which is located near it. It was built
during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the
Magnificent in 933 AH - 1527 AD, by the Governor of
Jerusalem, Qasim Pasha, and it was named after him. The
Fountain is octagonal in shape, with steps descending to it.
It is topped with a wooden roof that blocks the sun's rays
from its users and reduces the pressure of the harsh winds
at night, as well as the rain falling in winter.